3 things to know about pain
Pain can be defined by 2 – sub types
Acute Pain – is a new onset of pain which can be explained through some sort of injury e.g. recent accident, change in activity levels, lifting something at work which was awkward or heavy, and even sitting on a different chair. Usually this pain will resolve on its own accord without intervention in 6 -12 weeks’ time.
Chronic Pain – this is a pain that lasts more than 3-6 months and also can be split into Primary and Secondary Chronic Pain.
a) Primary – pain presenting in 1 or more areas of the body and is associated with significant emotional distress or significant functional disability (interference with activities of daily life and participation in social roles) and cannot be better explained by another chronic pain condition. Primary chronic pain examples are Fibromyalgia, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Chronic Musculoskeletal pain (Lower back pain and Headaches).
b) Secondary – pain that can also be widespread in the body but there is usually an explanation for the onset of the pain such as post-surgical pain, post traumatic pain, cancer related pain, or Osteoarthritis (spondylosis).
Despite Chronic Pain you can improve your life
You may have sought help through many different avenues, the GPs, Consultants, Pain management courses, Physiotherapist, Chiropractors and Counselling. Unfortunately, depending on the professional you meet, the most beneficial treatment for Chronic Pain is usually a combination and mixture of therapies. You may leave some consultations frustrated as you are told ‘you will have to live with the pain and learn to manage the pain’, ‘do more physiotherapy rehab exercises’, ‘become more active’, ‘try to relax and use positive self-talk to manage the pain’, ‘go for regular passive treatment which may entail, massage, spinal adjustments and talking therapy’ and ‘use pacing to manage your daily activities’.
Through my own clinical experience and recent NICE guidelines released April 2022, using a combination of psychological interventions such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy and gradual exposure to the correct exercises can help patients improve their Quality of life which subsequently reduces the effects of pain. NICE Guidelines also strongly advise Acupuncture and the use of pain science education as good clinical practise to help people understand their condition.
The Pain Specialist at Down2U Physiotherapy encompasses all the elements above to tailor specific treatment to assist your recovery from Chronic pain. We offer free 15 minute consultations to explore your needs and discuss ways in which we can help get you back on your feet. Even with patients suffering with 30 years of back pain – after 4 sessions we have managed to get them back to hobbies such as climbing in the Peaks.
Chronic Pain can cause distress to Mental health
The common behaviour to pain is to avoid and reduce activities which may trigger the pain response. This decline in social activities such as work, hobbies and socialising can be so gradual that it becomes habitual and feel normal to stay-in or find reasons not to go out. Life without joy, social interaction and support can leave people feeling distress to their mental health;
a) Depression
b) Low mood
c) Anxiety
d) Substance use (prolong use of prescribed opiates (Tramadol, Cocodamol and Morphine based drugs)
To conclude
You may have lost some hope after living with pain for so long and hearing on multiple occasions ‘there is not much more we can do for you’.
At Down2U Physiotherapy, we believe there is always something we can improve to help you live better with less pain.
Take advantage of the free 15-minute consultation to see whether Down2U can help you.